As with most traditional sports in esports it is similarly important to establish who you are trying to reach and the budget you have to reach them. Higher profile teams, players and events have larger audiences (often global) and therefore can be quite expensive.
However it is possible for newly interested sponsors to ‘dip a toe in the water’ of esports sponsorship without it necessarily costing a fortune. It is here that LEGEИD Gaming can assist in providing insightful and useful advice to help make the best decision on where to test your budget and to reach your preferred demographic, both on our site and in the wider world of esports.

- Player Sponsorship
- Team Creation and Sponsorship
- League Creation or Sponsorship
- Live Event Creation or Sponsorship
- In-Game Advertising
- Streamer Sponsoring & Advertising
- Other Media
In the gaming industry video and related content is King. This can be live ‘streaming’ or recorded content.
Sponsoring online tournaments at can help create a great deal of video content featuring your brand and will help you gain an audience through well known gamers, often referred to as influencers.
Many world renowned brands from various business sectors now sponsor gaming tournaments and events and have dedicated time and money to building esports and gaming related marketing including KFC, Chipotle, Pizza Hut, KIA Motors, Mastercard, Louis Vitton, Gucci, KitKat, IKEA, Curries/PC World and many, many others.
LEGEИD Gaming are happy to speak with you about how you might introduce your brand into the gaming world and assist in relevant content production. Its not all plain sailing; ask Coca-Cola. In this space the watchword is ‘authenticity’ and with over 50 years combined games experience we can help you navigate your way through.

Over 37.3m people in the UK play video games. The UK is the 6th largest game market in the world, with consumers spending $4.5bn on software. (Newzoo, 2018)
- 86% of people aged 16-69 have played computer or mobile games in the last year. 54% play “on most days”. 50% of people who play games on most days are female and 50% male. 46% of people who play games on most days are aged over 40.
- Among women who say they play most days, only a third (33%) would identify as a “gaming hobbyist” compared with 58% of men who play the same amount. This may be due to perceptions that only certain types of video games “count” as gaming.
- Over half of the people who play games on consoles or PCs consider themselves ‘Gamers’.
- 42% of British people aged 55 to 64, and 27% of those aged 65+, have played video games in the last five years. One in five grandparents plays video games with their grandchildren.
- 85% of Brits aged under 35s and 75% of those aged 35-44 frequently play games. 40% that group tended to play with their children and 31% said they played games to relax.